Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Final Intro

(Let me know if you think the quote is too long)

I can imagine a theater full of people waiting to a performance unlike no other. As the performance goes on I can see people amazed by the ability of a single actor able to act out different character. She goes from a Korean family, to a police officer, to a Denny Reagan, to the aunt of Rodney King and so on. Acting out every character vividly and capturing the essence of that character. As she acts out Allen Cooper, an ex-gang member and activist in national truce movement, say says:

What Rodney King . . .

It been-

It’s been twenty, thirty years,

And people suffered beatings from law enforcement.

It ain’t nothin’ new.

It was just brought to light this time.

But then it showed what-

It showed that it doesn’t mean a thing,

It doesn’t mean a thing,

Now if that was an officer down there getting’ beat,

It would a been a real national riot thing-

You hear me?

Just imagine how many people woulda been out there clappin’;

It wouldn’t a been no sad sorry, hot . . .

It woulda been a happy hot line.

Everybody makin’ emotion out of somwthin’:

Rotney king, Rotney King, Rotnet King.

It’s not Rotney King.

It’s the ghetto.

This amazing playwright and actor is Anna Deavere Smith. Her playwright is entitled “Twilight Los Angeles, 1992” It is based on her interviews after the riots in Los Angeles following the Rodney King Case. Rodney King is an African American that was caught on tape being seriously beaten by four police officers. After the four police officers were found not guilty the city of Los Angeles goes crazy and shootings, fires, beatings, and robberies start everywhere. In the playwright, Anna Smith’s manages to capture the speaker’s voice and emotions through her own body. The main purpose of her piece is to show everyone the opinion of the people involved at this time and provide American with the ability to make their own conclusions about the riots in Los Angeles.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hi.. I was reading "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser in the train today and I realized I could of used this book as my topic for the issues related to the fast food industry. I been reading this book all semester long but I didn't realized I should of use this book instead. I will like to change my topic. I already research on Twilight and I did find sources but I am much more interested in this topic. Im already searching for sources and I found a few. I know is a little late for changing my topic but I know a lot more about this topic. I will have atleast part of my essay by Sunday so you can take a look at it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My work of art

I read just finished reading Twilight and found it very interesting and it related a lot to my topic. Thank you. Twilight Los Angeles, 1992 is a playwright written and performed by Anna Deavere Smith. It is based on her interviews after the riots in Los Angeles following the Rodney King Case. Rodney King is a African American man that was caught on tape being seriously beaten by four police officers. After the four police officers were found not guilty the city of Los Angeles goes crazy and shootings, fires, beatings, and robberies start everywhere. In the playwright, Anna Smith’s manages to capture the speaker’s voice and emotions through her own body as if she was a live human tape recorder. I was interesting reading her playwright because I was able to read the views and opinions of many people and get their own perspective on what was going on during the days of the riots. I was also able to come to my own conclusions about the Rodney incident and the riots after reading all the different points of views. My conclusions are that after years of being abused by the police and watching how unfair the system was about the Rodney King trails, many people where angry and thought that the only way they would be heard is if they resort to violence to make a difference.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Topic for essay 3

I want to write my essay on Police Brutality. I plan to use a documentary I watched a few years back entitled "Rodney King and the Los Angeles Riots" but I cannot find the documentary online or any info on the documentary. I was wondering if I could use the video that was caught of the police officers beating Rodney king as the topic instead of the whole documentary and take about how this video and the case lead to all the riots in Los Angeles. A problem with this is that the video has no title since if was taken by someone from their own video camera who witness the beating.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A look at what I got so far

(Im pretty much done with the essay. Can you please look over my essay and tell me what I should correct or add to improve my essay.)

Artistic and Political Manifestos

During the 1960’s and 1970’s many artistic and political manifestos were written calling for change in the Black Community. These manifestos were works of art that offer a statement of belief and opinion about how things should be. Larry Neal wrote an artistic manifesto envisioning what black arts should be like, while The Black Panther Party wrote a political manifesto envisioning extreme change in the Unites States government.

Larry Neal’s manifesto, “The Black Arts Movement,” is manly about what art should express. He believes that art should be about ethics instead of aesthetics. It should be about what is going on in society, values, and morals. He argues that art shouldn’t be about beauty. He explains how Western society tends to use art as entertainment instead of art that is useful for people in the community. This art enforces the idea of the white people’s way of looking at the world. As he states in the second paragraph:

Therefore, the main thrust of this new breed of contemporary writers is to confront the contradictions arising out of the Black man’s experience in the racist West. Currently, these writers are re-evaluating Western aesthetics, the traditional role of the writer, and the social function of art. Implicit in this reevaluation is the need to develop a “black aesthetic.” It is the opinion of many Black writers, I among them, that the Western aesthetic has run its course: it is impossible to construct anything meaningful within its decaying structure.

In this part he is saying that western aesthetics does not value African Americans and that it is racist and alienates them. New writers are questioning this art and they are acknowledging that this art doesn’t support them. Therefore, they believe that this art is done and that they will create new art that represents them. He want African Americans to create new art that would stand for what they believe in and value. As Neal states, “The Black artist must create new forms and new values, sing new songs (or purity old ones); and along with other Black authorities, he must create a new history, new symbols, myths and legends (and purify old ones by fire).” Since western ideas of art don’t represent them, they should create art that does. Artistic text that Larry Neal would be in favor of is the poem “Black Art” by LeRoi Jones because it talks about how a poem is not a poem unless it talks about realistic, everyday issues in society. He does not want poems that talk about love when African Americans are treated unequal and the Vietnam War is going on. Like he states, “Let there be no love poems written until love can exist freely and cleanly.”

The Black Panther Party was an African American organization trying to improve the conditions of the black people during the mid 1960’s and 1970’s. Their “10 Point Platform” is a manifesto where they are calling for extreme change for the black community. Their Platform includes political and economical change. Some of their requests are power to determine their own destinies. They wanted to have their own representatives that have the interest of the black people. They wanted freedom for all the African Americans that were held in prison because they did not receive a fair trial and wanted all African Americans to be free from from the military service. They wanted the right to a decent education. They also wanted economical rights, such as decent housing and employment. As the 10th point explains, “We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as major political objective, a United Nation-supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate for the purpose of determining the will of the black people as to their national destiny.” The Black Panther Party would be in favor of the Young Lords Party’s “13-Point Program and Platform” because just like the Black Panther Party they are setting exactly what they want to be changed. They both have similar point such as withdraw from military and freeing prisoners that were tried unfairly. They both also want their people to be educated about their own culture.

Both Larry Neal and the Black Panther Party are responding to similar issues faced by many African Americans since they were written only two year apart. Larry Neal’s manifesto was published in the summer of 1968. A lot was going on in the world during this time. Many assassinations against black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. were taken place. The Vietnam War was as still going on. Many troops were being killed and it seemed like The United States were going to lose the war. Many whites and Blacks are starting to oppose the war. There is still a lot of racism going on in the country. African Americans are still put down even in art. Many countries in Africa and Asia are being decolonized. This might have led Larry Neal to write this text because he is expressing that African Americans have their own history and beauty that must be shown and not oppressed by western aesthetics. Just like these countries are coming out and decolonizing, so should black art come out and represent African Americans. The Black Panther Party’s 10 Point Platform is written in 1966. I can see why they choose to write this manifesto because with all the injustice going on in society, they wanted to rebel against it and express that should be different. Like the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party attempted to do by trying to form their own political party in the interest of the Black community.

I find the Larry Neal manifesto more persuasive because it is an interesting idea of using art in a way to make a different instead of are being used as just beauty. Why should art be about western values when so much is going on in the world that needs to be addressed and changed? Therefore, I would like to join Larry Neal artistic movement. The Black Panther Party have a good list of what they want to change and why, but I believe they are asking for too much at once. They are not only asking for political right, but economical rights as well. Even whites do not have some of these economical rights they are asking for in the capitalist economy of the United States. This makes is much harder to achieve all their goals.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Post #5

Part of my essay:

Larry Neal’s manifesto, “The Black Arts Movement,” is manly about what art should express. He believes that art should be about ethics instead of aesthetics. It should be about what is going on in society, values, and morals. He argues that art shouldn’t be about beauty. He explains how Western society tends to use art as entertainment instead of art that is useful for people in the community. This art enforces the idea of the white people’s way of looking at the world. As he states in the second paragraph:
Therefore, the main thrust of this new breed of contemporary writers is to confront the contradictions arising out of the Black man’s experience in the racist West. Currently, these writers are re-evaluating Western aesthetics, the traditional role of the writer, and the social function of art. Implicit in this reevaluation is the need to develop a “black aesthetic.” It is the opinion of many Black writers, I among them, that the Western aesthetic has run its course: it is impossible to construct anything meaningful within its decaying structure.
In this part he is saying that western aesthetics does not value African Americans and that it is racist and alienates them. New writers are questioning this art and they are acknowledging that this art doesn’t support them. Therefore, they believe that this art is done and that they will create new art that represents them. He want African Americans to create new art that would stand for what they believe in and value. As Neal states, “The Black artist must create new forms and new values, sing new songs (or purity old ones); and along with other Black authorities, he must create a new history, new symbols, myths and legends (and purify old ones by fire).” Since western ideas of art don’t represent them, they should create art that does.

The Black Panther Party was an African American organization trying to improve the conditions of the black people during the mid 1960’s and 1970’s. Their “10 Point Platform” is a manifesto where they are calling for extreme change for the black community. Their Platform includes political and economical change. Some of their requests are power to determine their own destinies. They wanted to have their own representatives that had the interest of the black people. They wanted freedom for all the African Americans that were help in prison because they did not receive a fair trial and wanted all African Americans to be free from from the military service. They wanted the right to a dissent education. They also wanted economical rights, such as decent housing and employment. As the 10th point explains, “We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as major political objective, a United Nation-supervised plebiscite to be held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects will be allowed to participate for the purpose of determining the will of the black people as to their national destiny.”

Post #4

1) The black Art poem was a poem that really stood out because it shows a feeling of anger overall. What I understood is that poems are not important unless they are talking about the real issues of the society and how he is tired of reading poems about love when so much violence is going on in society. I think this is a political art work because it talking about the conditions and violence of the Black community and the Vietnam War. This poem relates to the kind of art Larry Neal calls for because is talking about the community rather than art that ignores social issues and uses art as beauty and entertainment.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Third Post

Larry Neal’s manifesto is calling for writing that is related to the interest of the black community. He is against any art that has to do with western values because it alienates African Americans. He wants people to create new art and destroy the old one. The old art follows the white idea and ways of looking at the world. He believes it time to write about the truth and important things. He sees arts as a part of a movement because by making art that relates to what is important and issues in society will bring these problems to light. Instead of making art that related to western values that ignores these problems. During 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered and the US gets involved in the Vietnam War. Since more problems were raising and many people were dying in this war it became more and more important to make art about this issues instead of ignoring them.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Second blog post

My initial reaction of “strange Fruit” is that it’s a very powerful song. I selected this song because I like the way the writer uses a fruit as a metaphor of dead bodies of African Americans hanging from trees. I also like his use of irony when he represents the south as the “gallant south”. The secondary source that really compares to the song is “The Case Stated”. Both works are talking about how common it was to lynch African Americans. The story explains how the whites are always making up excuses to murder African Americans. The first excuse was that they started race riots and then it was that they had to stop African Americans from voting. The last excuse was that African Americans were raping white women. It says that during these years more than ten thousand African Americans have been killed. It also explains how there was a great injustice in the system. As she states, “for all these murders only three white men have been tried, convicted, and executed”. They both shed light on the other because the song is showing a visual image of the lynching and the story is explaining why whites did it and how unfair the government was.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Blog Post

The kind of expression that means the most to me is writing. It means the most to me because it's the kind that will tell you the most about what the writer is trying to express. In writing, every word has a significant meaning. You have to do a word by word analysis to get to the root of what the writer is trying to say. I also enjoy looking at a picture and trying to tell what the artist is trying to say. Though, it can be a lot harder to understand and can have multiple meanings if you do not know enough about the artist. I have not been part of a social movement. My view of the world has changed with every creative work. I am able to look at a new perspective in live and learn something new that I did not know before.